Wednesday, January 4, 2017

When You Can't Brisk Walk

There are days when going out and brisk walking is impossible. Like during a storm or in rainy days. But I remember my dad undaunted by rainy days when he brisk-walked in the morning. He wore wooden sandals (bakya), salakot (a native hard hat) and raincoat and hit the streets with an umbrella.

But if you're not like my dad, then this option can be yours---squats in place.

Sometimes, my work keeps me glued to my seat and I can't even go out to jog--especially when I have deadlines to beat. What do I do? I do squats-in-place, aside from jogging-in-place. I do several sets of squats through the day. This means once in a while, I get up, leave the desktop and do squats. It's so easy.

You don't need a big space or special equipment. As long as you can stand and sit where you are, you can do squats. You can be in your office attire (if you're an employee} or you can be in your shorts or underwear (half-naked) if you're a freelancer working at home like me.

Squats workout the legs, forelegs, ankles, a bit of the tummy, butt and your heart and lungs. It's a good workout and you may do it with or without extra weights. Your own body weight will do, especially if you're not competing professionally and just want to stay trim like me.

If you prefer heavier squat workouts, then carry some weights with your hands. You may hold dumbbells or do squats with a barbell. Or you may carry a sack of rice on your shoulders.

When I was in college, I used to do about 200 squats or more, 50 or more per set in 4 sets. Everyday before I left for university. Today, I narrowed it down to 15 to 20 per set, augmenting it with outdoor jogs and jogging-in-place. But I aim to recover the 200+ squats, Godwilling.

I do my squats by sitting on my forelegs and then standing up straight.

But then, after my squat sets, sometimes I begin to miss the outdoors. So there are times I still go out in the late afternoon to do my jogs or brisk walks.

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